It's time to set the table again. This week I've picked a flower garden setting for my tabletop.

Welcome to the garden.

A place for you.

A closer look at the centerpiece. I know that I gasped when I found this flower ring at an antique store back in June. I had been looking for one for the past couple of years in some of the local shops and had not been able to find anything and the ones I did find on ebay were not within my budget. I had about given up and there this was! Meant to go home with me.

The ring part that hold the flowers is frosted glass and the candle holders are clear. This was in perfect condition without a chip or crack anywhere. I am delighted! It's odd that some of the flowers look yellow in these pictures ....actually they're a creamy white.

In the very center I've set my ceramic pineapple from Bath and Body Works. The colonial sign of welcome.

Pink stemware.

Even the dragonfly napkin rings are a pinkish purple shade. These came from Pier 1 when I got my white chargers a couple of weeks ago. Even as I purchased them, I was setting this table in my mind.

These berry bowls were purchesed this summer from ebay especially to go with this mismatched china set. The salad bowls actually had three berry bowls to match, I purchased these 4 to mix with them for a setting of 6 (and one spare). This set is my "birthday china" since all of it was purchased during June right around my birthday.

This is the marking on the back. I have no idea how old they may be.

One Saturday morning in June Mr. Mid-Atlantic handed me some cash and set me loose in the antique store while he went to another establishment in the same shopping center. One of the treasures I found were these salad bowls and three berry bowls to match.

This the the marking on the back.

These dinner plates were another ebay purchase from a gift card I got for my birthday.

And their marking. I loved the way these all mixed together. None are the same patterns, but they seem to blend together nicely. If anyone knows anything about these patterns I would love to have some history.

These pink glass plates I've had for sometime and the chargers are the ones I purchased a few weeks ago at Pier 1. I became a little obsessed with them when I kept seeing them on tablescape posts. I resisted as long as I could!

The tablecloth is vintage with pink roses stenciled on them.

A couple of overhead photos of the table. Why is it that there always seems to be one "bow legged" candle in the batch?

As evening falls the candles are lit.....
....and the "blue hour" begins in the garden.
For more tablesettings to enchant you, be sure to stop by "Between Naps on the Porch" where Tablescape Thursday is hosted by Susan each week.
In this busy week be sure to take time to "smell the roses"....mine will be pink!
See ya!