And the word went out all across bloggy land that the Target Birdies had worked so hard all Spring -- that it was time for a Holiday! YES -- those birdies were going on Spring Break!!!! Now Bill and Beulah over at Mid-Atlantic Martha's decided that they would delay their break for just a bit because they had something very important going on Sunday. Being the devout little birdies they are, they just knew that they couldn't miss......

Easter Sunrise services at the Church Of Tweet! So they got all fluffed and Beulah put on her new Easter bonnet! Oh she looked so pretty -- and Bill was so proud!

Also, Beulah had a solo and she sang so sweetly hitting every note with her clear soprano tweet. But as soon as the services were over they were on their way to sunny Florida to visit Bill's cousins.....

Fred and Felicia Flamingo. The couples were so happy to see each other and had lots of catching up to do.

Being good hosts, Fred and Felicia treated Bill and Beulah to dinner and drinks at their favorite watering hole "The Flamingo Lounge".

Now they were having just a grand old time, until Beulah got a bit tipsey and fell into the Margarita. But all was well, the other's fished her right out and took her home for a good night's sleep.

The next morning, feeling no worse for wear, Bill and Beulah took an early morning walk on the beach, collecting shells.

Then they spent most of the day swimming and playing in the waves.

By the time they came back to shore, they realized that they may have stayed out in the sun a little too long.

"Oh My!" exclaimed Beulah. "I do believe that I'm getting sunburned."

"I think perhaps we'd better get out of this Florida sun." said Bill. "This is pretty intense! No wonder Fred and Felicia are so pink all the time!"

Later that evening, Bill had a romantic surprise for Beulah. They took a moonlight boat ride in a crystal boat pulled along the silken lake by a beautiful swan. Oh it was so romantic! They even kissed and kissed in the tunnel of Love! But then all too soon, it was time to say good-bye and fly back home to Mid-Atlantic Martha's blog.

That night as Bill and Beulah kissed goodnight in their little nest, Beulah said it was a most wonderful holiday but it's alway good to be back home and sleeping in your own nest. They cuddled close and drifted off into blissful sleep.

The next morning when Bill returned from gathering worms for breakfast. Beulah said, "Oh Bill, I have a surprise for you! You're going to be a daddy bird!" And they gazed at the little eggs and wondering if they would be salts or peppers...or both!

And far away, the little swan remembered the sweet love birds who had taken a moonlight ride in her crystal boat through the tunnel of love.... and smiled.
Now for more Birdie Holiday adventures, be sure to visit Susan at "Between Naps On The Porch" to see what fun has been going on all week across bloggyland!