I can't believe that I missed a tablescaping party a few weeks ago! I was so impressed when I started seeing all the white tablescapes on "Let There Be White" over at "Cuisine Kathleen" -- so when she decided to do a "Let there be white II" party, I decided not to miss this one! This is going to be a double post to Cuisine Kathleen and Tablescape Thursday -- and since it's two posts --- I've done two tablescapes. (that only seemed fair)

I don't think I've ever shown you my "5th leg" on my table -- I love those old legs.

Here we are approaching the white on white tablescape.

My green stems were still looking fresh from last week's sunflower tablescape so I mixed them in with the white hydrangeas bouquet from Kroger. I love their flowers and they're pretty reasonable since I can't seem to grow any at my house - sigh!

My two fat white love birds on a silver tray at the foot of the vase.

Beautiful full blossoms. Three stems for $7.99.

Here's a place setting of white on white. I thought the overall look was quite elegant - but it's somewhat of a challenge to photograph - especially with my lack of skills. That was one of the reasons I decided not to also use a white tablecloth - I needed some contrast. I was glad that this was so light, because the day was so dreary when I took these pictures - I just wasn't getting enough sunlight.

Of course you would have to serve white wine with a white tablescape.

The coffee butler stands in service.

My grandmother's antique white pitcher with water.

I will surely serve "White House Rolls" from my silver bread tray. I love the white liner given to me by some special friends from Church this past Christmas.

Husband's grandmother's heirloom glasses.

Doing the place setting "strip tease" -- White on white Gibson/Gollum dishes.

I found six of these beautiful antique napkins on one of my "treasure hunts" this past Spring.

Dinner plate.

And we're down to our "petticoat" placemat - these were a find I just posted from Friday.

The silverware was a gift from my mother-in-law years ago -- it came from her family -- she was so generous to me and truly treated me like a daughter. I really miss her - but always remember her quite fondly when I get to set my table with such lovely silver. I'm so glad that I had the honor of serving her quite a few Thanksgiving dinners, using this silverware.

I can hardly believe that I have a complete set for twelve placesettings!

Can't forget my little "butter pats" and knives.

An overview of the white on white tablescape.

Back to the flowers -- so when we look again -- we're at a whole new tablescape! (Just like the movies huh?)

Kathleen said for this week's part II - we should add another color -- so here we are approaching a black and white tablescape.

A corner view.

I changed the silver tray for a silver picture frame with black and white paper.

I added a bird's nest ...

and brought out my little black sparrows.

I think this is a better look at the birds.

Close up of a placesetting. My white dinner plates with black toile salad plates, target flatware, clearance corkbacked placemats from Marshalls, my wedding pewter goblets and white coffee cups. Do you take your coffee black? (Sorry I couldn't resist.) What an eclectic collection!

A closer look at the plates -- I had the hardest time choosing between these plates and another set of black and white transferware. I've seen them in some other tablescapes -- really pretty with a haywagon on them -- I knew I couldn't get both - so I finally chose these.

Love those Marshall's prices!

One picture has to turn sideways every time!

We're down to a white plate on the black placemat.

I thought the "stitch" look on this placemat was the perfect complement to ---

the hem of this Irish linen tablecloth.

An overview of the black and white tablescape.

I took the napkins out of the goblets and added white napkin rings and placed them on the plates.

Close up of the napkins from Tuesday Morning.

Then I moved them to the side. For some reason I just kept fiddling with this tablescape.

Another close look at the napkin -- the pattern is really pretty, but I'm not sure I'm loving the silky feel.

One last look at black & white. These two tablescapes have very different effects -- which one is more your "style"? I think white on white, would remind me of a wedding or bridesmaid's luncheon, perhaps a special anniversary or baptism celebration. The black and white might be a special dinner for friends before going to the theater -- or a concert.
Be sure to check out Cuisine Kathleen for the "Let There Be White II" tablescape. I can't wait!
And, since this is a double post, be sure to check out what's being "dished up" over at "Between Naps On The Porch" for Tablescape Thursday!
See ya!